04 January, 2018

Verify password complexity - OS

Not too long ago the news broke that 1.4 billion leaked passwords were being shared all over the place. Obviously, you want to see if your users could be impacted, so one thing that can be done to see if the leaked passwords of users are applicable at all to your environment. If not, then you know that the given password wasn't used in your environment so no need to panic.

Here's an example password policy:
Example password policy with complexity enabled

We would like to see if a given list of passwords conform these settings, mainly the length and complexity. Based on Microsoft's definition a password is complex if contains characters from three of the following five categories: 
  • Uppercase characters of European languages (A through Z, with diacritic marks, Greek and Cyrillic characters)
  • Lowercase characters of European languages (a through z, sharp-s, with diacritic marks, Greek and Cyrillic characters)
  • Base 10 digits (0 through 9)
  • Nonalphanumeric characters: ~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/

So we want a quick script which verifies if the password is at least 10 characters long and is complex. There are many ways to do it and can be done with hardcore regex patterns or just simple direct checks, here's one not too complicated way to do it, this is the output:

Password complexity check output

the script:
 function checkpwcplx ($passwordString){  
    $pwComplexity = 0  
    # checking the minimal length, if it's shorter, no need to continue  
    if($passwordString.length -lt 10){  
       return "length <10"  
    # lowercase  
    if($passwordString -cmatch "[a-z]"){  
    # uppercase  
    if($passwordString -cmatch "[A-Z]"){  
    # digits  
    if($passwordString -cmatch "[0-9]"){  
    # special character (not alphabetic characters or numbers)  
    if($passwordString -cmatch "[^a-zA-Z0-9]"){  
    # if 3 of the criterias      
    if($pwComplexity -ge 3){  
       return "complex"  
       return "NOT complex"  
 $list = @($input)  
 $list | %{  
    $obj = "" | select Password,Complexity  
    $obj.Password = $_  
    $obj.Complexity = checkpwcplx $_  
