Here is what I think is a better solution for listing details of collections:
Function for running SQL query to get the data, same function that you can find one of my previous post List Collection membership of computers - SCCM:
function execSQLQuery
The SQL query, this may need a bit of explanation. We obviously want to query data from the built-in view v_Collection. We need the
# creating SQL query string based on parameters
$collQuery = "SELECT dbo.v_Collection.Name, dbo.v_Collection.CollectionID, dbo.v_Collection.Comment, "
$collQuery += "dbo.v_Collection.LastChangeTime, dbo.v_Collection.LastRefreshTime, dbo.v_Collection.LastMemberChangeTime "
if($advert){$collQuery += ", dbo.v_Advertisement.AdvertisementName, dbo.v_Advertisement.AdvertisementID "}
$collQuery += "FROM dbo.v_Collection "
if($advert){$collQuery += "LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.v_Advertisement ON dbo.v_Collection.CollectionID = dbo.v_Advertisement.CollectionID "}
If the collection name is specified, we need a WHERE filer in the sql query which has a LIKE $collname. In this case you can just run the script with either querying full or partial name of a collection (e.g. -collname %servers%):
$collQuery += " WHERE dbo.v_Collection.Name LIKE '$collname'"
If the collection ID is sepcified with -collid, then the WHERE filter needs to filter on the v_Collection.CollectionID:
$collQuery += " WHERE dbo.v_Collection.CollectionID LIKE '$collID'"
Then we need to run the query and just post the result to the stdout:
# list collections
$queryResult = execSQLQuery.NET $sccmSQLServer "SMS_$site" $collQuery
- Collection Name - (especially when we search for partial name)
- Collection ID
- LastChangeTime - to see when it was changed
- LastRefreshTime - if it's auto updated collection, see when it was refreshed last time
- LastMemberChangeTime - to see when someone added/removed member last time
# creating SQL query string based on parameters
$collQuery = "SELECT dbo.v_Collection.Name, dbo.v_Collection.CollectionID, dbo.v_Collection.Comment, "
$collQuery += "dbo.v_Collection.LastChangeTime, dbo.v_Collection.LastRefreshTime, dbo.v_Collection.LastMemberChangeTime "
if($advert){$collQuery += ", dbo.v_Advertisement.AdvertisementName, dbo.v_Advertisement.AdvertisementID "}
$collQuery += "FROM dbo.v_Collection "
if($advert){$collQuery += "LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.v_Advertisement ON dbo.v_Collection.CollectionID = dbo.v_Advertisement.CollectionID "}
If the collection name is specified, we need a WHERE filer in the sql query which has a LIKE $collname. In this case you can just run the script with either querying full or partial name of a collection (e.g. -collname %servers%):
$collQuery += " WHERE dbo.v_Collection.Name LIKE '$collname'"
If the collection ID is sepcified with -collid, then the WHERE filter needs to filter on the v_Collection.CollectionID:
$collQuery += " WHERE dbo.v_Collection.CollectionID LIKE '$collID'"
Then we need to run the query and just post the result to the stdout:
# list collections
$queryResult = execSQLQuery.NET $sccmSQLServer "SMS_$site" $collQuery
The full script:
param (
[string] $sccmsrv = "", # sccm site server name
[string] $collname = "", # partial name of the collection with % wild card, e.g. %servers%
[string] $collID = "", # or collection ID
[switch] $advert = $false) # if you want to see the details of assigned advertisements, use -advert
#### Function for executing a SQL query with integrated authentication
function execSQLQuery ([string]$fSQLServer, [string]$db, [string]$query){
$objConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$objConnection.ConnectionString = "Server = $fSQLServer; Database = $db; trusted_connection=true;"
$SqlCmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand $query, $objConnection
trap {Write-Host -ForegroundColor 'red' "($sqlsrv/$db not accessible)";continue}
if ($SqlCmd.Connection.State -ine 'Open') {
$dr = $SqlCmd.ExecuteReader()
#get the data
$dt = new-object "System.Data.DataTable"
return $dt
# read the SCCM site name of the SCCM site server
$site = (gwmi -ComputerName $sccmsrv -Namespace root\sms -Class SMS_ProviderLocation).sitecode
# enumerating SQL server name for the given SCCM site server
$sccmCompquery = gwmi -q "Select distinct SiteSystem, Role, SiteCode FROM SMS_SiteSystemSummarizer where role = 'SMS SQL Server' and siteCode = '$site' ORDER BY SiteCode" -namespace "root\sms\site_$site" -ComputerName $sccmsrv
[string]$tmpstr = [regex]::Match($sccmCompquery.sitesystem, "\\\\\w+\\$")
$sccmSQLServer = $tmpstr.replace("\", "")
$objColl = @()
# creating SQL query string based on parameters
$collQuery = "SELECT dbo.v_Collection.Name, dbo.v_Collection.CollectionID, dbo.v_Collection.Comment, "
$collQuery += "dbo.v_Collection.LastChangeTime, dbo.v_Collection.LastRefreshTime, dbo.v_Collection.LastMemberChangeTime "
if($advert){$collQuery += ", dbo.v_Advertisement.AdvertisementName, dbo.v_Advertisement.AdvertisementID "}
$collQuery += "FROM dbo.v_Collection "
if($advert){$collQuery += "LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.v_Advertisement ON dbo.v_Collection.CollectionID = dbo.v_Advertisement.CollectionID "}
Write-Host "Enumerating Collection with criteria: Collection name $collname"
$collQuery += " WHERE dbo.v_Collection.Name LIKE '$collname'"
$collQuery += " WHERE dbo.v_Collection.CollectionID LIKE '$collID'"
Write-Host "Enumerating Collection with criteria: Collection ID $collID"
# list collections
$queryResult = execSQLQuery $sccmSQLServer "SMS_$site" $collQuery
Hope this is useful. May the Force...t
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