28 December, 2013

PATH environment variable ordering - OS

The following problem can be annoying even if you have 5 servers, but even more nerve wrecking if you experience it on 100+ servers - at my favorite time - on a Monday morning.

Usually there are applications installed on a server - why would we need them otherwise. Some applications need to access their files without full path of those therefore they update the PATH environment variable. This is all well because most of the developers know how to do it nicely, but I've come across some applications in my 10+ years of IT experience which I still cannot get my head around.

The PATH environment variable is basically a list of folders separated by ; (semicolons). And even though no one says it, the order of these entries does matter. E.g.: there are applications which - for whatever unspoken reason - add entries to the beginning (!) of this list. Now, if you read the previous 2 sentences carefully, you can have an idea why this is a very bad idea:
The entries in the PATH are evaluated in order, that's why the OS puts stuff in there first (like C:\WINDOWS, C:\WINDOWS\System32...etc.) because there are lot of files there and it's quicker to run a server if you know that most of the queries for files via PATH will be served by the first couple of items. If you put entries to the beginning which are only important for some applications and for just minor number of queries, you basically make your system slower.
Even worse, if - for whatever unspoken reason - there are applications which put PATH entries to the beginning of the variable which refer to either mapped network drives or UNC path, then you can be in trouble. E.g. when there was one such  on a couple of servers and surprise, the box got hung on boot-up because the custom disk manager wanted to look-up some files and hit a PATH entry pointing to a UNC path before the custom SMB engine was initialised. Nice.

Side notes:
  • There can also be an issue with older applications which can only handle up to 1024 characters of the PATH - even though since Windows 2003 SP1 and WinXP SP2 the supported length of PATH is 2048 characters
  • in Powershell (or rather .NET framework), the Add-Type command fails if there are invalid entries in the PATH


To resolve the 2 issues above ((1) make sure the PATH has a desired order and (2) it is as short as possible) you can do a couple of things:
  • remove the last backslash from each entry - this saves some characters and makes it easier to spot duplicates later:
    foreach($item in $tmpdataArray){
    if($item[-1] -eq "\"){$item = $item -replace "\\$",""}
    $dataArray += $item
  • remove duplicate entries from the PATH:
    $newTmpdataArray = $dataArray | Sort-Object -Unique -Descending
  • if the length is still a problem, consider converting long folder names to the old 8.3 type names, e.g.:
    $newdata = $newdata -ireplace "\\program files\\", "\progra~1\"
  • put entries to the beginning which are needed for the OS and put any "external path" (UNC, mapped drives) to the end or remove them if possible, e.g. put all c:\Windows entries to the beginning and put all UNC ones to the end:
    = MoveToArrayBeginning $newTmpdataArray "c:\\windows"$newTmpdataArray = MoveToArrayEnd $newTmpdataArray "^\\\\"
  • always backup the original value!

Script's output showing the original and the new PATH values and their length


It reads how many backup values exist already, increments the number and creates a new value with the current content of PATH

It runs through an array and adds items to a temp array. If an item matches a given pattern it adds the item to the beginning of the array otherwise it adds it to the end. The key piece is this, which adds the element to the array as either the first or last item:
$farray | %{
  if($_ -imatch $pattern){

It collects all items matching a pattern to a temp array and then removes and adds those to the end of the original array. It needs the temp array to preserve the original order of the items being moved to the end.

  param ( [string] $hosts = "",   
  [string] $log = "",   
  [switch] $set = $false,   
  [switch] $rollback = $false,   
  [switch] $convertToSortName = $false,   
  [switch] $IknowWhatIamDoing = $false)   
  #### Function for creating/writing registry value remotely   
  function CreateRegValue ([string]$srv, [string]$value, [string]$newdata, [string]$key) {   
   $regKey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine',$srv).OpenSubKey($key,$true).SetValue($value, $newdata,'string')   
   if(-not $?){   
     return $false   
     return $true   
  Function BackupPATH($srv, $data){   
   #backing up the original value   
   $sequenceNumber = 0   
   # create managePATHVariable subkey if doesn't exist   
     $backupValues = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine',$srv).OpenSubKey('SOFTWARE\PATHBackup').getvaluenames()   
     #get latest number sequence for backup value name   
     $latestBackupValueName = $backupValues | ?{$_ -imatch "^PATH_backup"} | sort -Descending | Select -first 1   
     [int]$sequenceNumber = [regex]::match($latestBackupValueName, "\d+$").value   
   $newBackupValueName = "PATH_backup_" + $sequenceNumber   
   # Backing up original value to HKLM\SOFTWARE\PATHBackup [$newBackupValueName]..." "nonew"   
   if(CreateRegValue $srv $newBackupValueName $data "SOFTWARE\PATHBackup"){   
     write-host "Backup OK"   
     write-host "Backup error"   
 #### Function for reading registry value remotely  
 function GetRegValue ([string]$srv, [string]$value, [string]$key) {  
  $regvalue = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine',$srv).OpenSubKey($key).GetValue($value)  
  return $regvalue  
  #### Function for moving array items to the beginning of the array   
  function MoveToArrayBeginning ($farray, $pattern ) {   
   $newArray = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList   
   $farray | %{   
     if($_ -imatch $pattern){   
   return $newArray   
  #### Function for moving array items to the end of the array   
  function MoveToArrayEnd ($farray, $pattern) {   
   # we need a new .net array because the function will get a PS array (which doesn;t have .remove method)   
   $newArray = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList   
   $itemsToRemove = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList   
   # collect all items that need to be moved to the end   
   $farray | %{   
            if($_ -imatch $pattern){   
   # go through the items need moving and remove/add them to the end of the original array   
   $itemsToRemove | %{   
   return $newArray   
  $objColl = @()   
  $k = 1   
  #### Collate the host list.   
  $hostlist = @($Input)   
  if ($hosts) {   
   if($hosts -imatch " "){   
     $hostsArr = @($hosts.split(" "))   
     $hostlist += $hostsArr   
     $hostlist += $hosts   
  $hostlistlength = ($hostlist | measure).count   
  if($hostlistlength -gt 0){   
   foreach ($hosts in $hostlist) {   
     $srv = $hosts   
     if($srv -ne ""){    # if the hostname is not empty   
      Write-Progress -activity "Performing PATH checks/changes" -Status "Processing host $k of $hostlistlength : $srv " -PercentComplete ($k/$hostlistlength * 100) -currentoperation "Checking if remote host is accessible..."   
      $oldlength = $data = $null   
      $tmpdataArray = $dataArray = $newTmpdataArray = @()   
      $sObject = "" | select ComputerName,OldValue,OldValueLength,NewValue,NewValueLength,Duplicates,Result   
      $sObject.ComputerName = $srv   
      $data = GetRegValue $srv "PATH" "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"   
      if($data){   # if reg data is not empty   
        $oldlength = $data.length   
        $sObject.OldValue = $data   
        $sObject.OldValueLength = $oldlength   
        $tmpdataArray = $data.split(";")  # splitting string to array by ;   
        #remove last \ from each entry in $dataArray to make sure we pick up the duplicates which only differ in a \ at the end   
        foreach($item in $tmpdataArray){   
         if($item[-1] -eq "\"){$item = $item -replace "\\$",""}   
         $dataArray += $item   
        # 0. sort descending order   
        $newTmpdataArray = $dataArray | Sort-Object -Unique -Descending # building a new array without duplicate items   
        # record duplicate entries for listing them in the output   
        $duplicateEntries = @()   
        $testHashTable = @{}   
        $dataArray | foreach {$testHashTable["$_"] += 1}   
        $testHashTable.keys | where {$testHashTable["$_"] -gt 1} | foreach {   
         $duplicateEntries += $_   
        $sObject.Duplicates = [string]::Join(";",$duplicateEntries)   
        # re-add the array elemnets to a new array with array type: System.Collections.ArrayList, this supports elements removal and addition   
        $newdataArray = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList   
        # 1. put all c:\program files to the beginning   
        $newTmpdataArray = MoveToArrayBeginning $newTmpdataArray "C:\\progra~"   
        $newTmpdataArray = MoveToArrayBeginning $newTmpdataArray "C:\\program files"   
        # 2. put all c:\windows to the beginning   
        $newTmpdataArray = MoveToArrayBeginning $newTmpdataArray "c:\\windows"   
        # 3. put all %variabe% to the end   
        $newTmpdataArray = MoveToArrayEnd $newTmpdataArray "^%"   
        # 4. put all non-c: drives to the end   
        $newTmpdataArray = MoveToArrayEnd $newTmpdataArray "^[a-bd-z]:"   
        # 5. put all unc path to the end   
        $newTmpdataArray = MoveToArrayEnd $newTmpdataArray "^\\\\"   
        # converting array to string with separator ;   
        $newdata = [string]::join(";", $newTmpdataArray)   
        # check if the PATH contains Program files anr replace it with the 8.3 name   
         if ($data -imatch "program files") {   
           $newdata = $newdata -ireplace "\\program files\\", "\progra~1\" #trim the path by replacing "program files" with "progra~1"   
           $newdata = $newdata -ireplace "\\program files (x86)\\", "\progra~2\" #trim the path by replacing "program files (x86)" with "progra~2"   
        if(($newdata.Length -lt $data.Length) -or ($data -ine $newdata)){ # if the new string is shorter   
         if($set) {   
           BackupPATH $srv $data   
           #Writing new PATH value to HKLM\"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" [$value]   
           CreateRegValue $srv "PATH" $newdata "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"   
           # Checking if new PATH value is set   
           $checkdata = GetRegValue $srv "PATH" "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" # read it again to check an log the new registry data   
           $newlength = $checkdata.length   
           if($checkdata -ieq $newdata){   
            $sObject.Result = "OK"   
            $sObject.Result = "Could not set new value"   
           $checkdata = $newdata   
           $newlength = $checkdata.length   
           $sObject.Result = "PATH would be changed (use -set)"   
         $sObject.NewValue = $newdata   
         $sObject.NewValueLength = $newlength   
         $sObject.Result = "No need to change PATH"   
        $sObject.Result = "Could not get PATH from registry"   
     $objColl += $sObject   
   write-host "No hostname or hostlist is specified."   


07 December, 2013

Add / Remove members of collections - SCCM

Continuing on the managing collections subject in SCCM (List members of SCCM collection, List SCCM collections and their details - SCCM ) I think the next natural step people want to do with a collection - in case you are thinking about using SCCM in a large environment - is to add/remove computers to/from a collection and at the same time, forget about the very colorful, but sluggish mmc console.
Obviously, this is only useful if you are not thinking about creating conditions/filters for a collection membership but you want to manually add loads of servers into a collection based on seemingly no commonalities between them or - the contrary - too many commonalities between them.

There's such a case when you have 8000 servers without a particular software component, but you don't want to install it on all of them at the same time, you want to do it in phases. Why? Because I think it's better to screw up 500 servers spread across the world than either 500 in one location (taking out the service in that location) or all 8000 of them.
You could argue, if you break 500 servers, you better update your CV so why not be brave and effective and target all 8000? I'll leave it with your capable decision making.

If I want to add/remove computers to/from a collection, I will need a couple of things:
  • The ID of the collection - if you want to be nice, you make the script to looks this up based on the collection name, but you can be rude if you want to and make people remember hex number - I think DNS should not have been invented, people should NOT be lazy and they should remember IP addresses!
    $queryResult = execSQLQuery $fsccmSQLServer "SMS_$site" "select CollectionID from v_Collection where name like '$collectionName'"
  • The ID of the computer being added/removed:
    $queryResult = execSQLQuery $fsccmSQLServer "SMS_$site" "select ResourceID from v_R_System where name0 = '$srv'"
    $computerResID = $queryResult.ResourceID
  • Bind the WMI instance of the collection to be able to invoke methods (like AddMembershipRule, DeleteMembershipRule):
    $global:mc = [wmi]"\\$sccmsrv\root\sms\site_$($site):SMS_Collection.CollectionID='$collID'"

If you look at the two functions addComputerToCollection and removeComputerFromCollection  you can see how the wmi methods can be used. There's only one twist in the addComputerToCollection to make sure the given computer exists in SCCM before trying to add an empty membership. This is required because the AddMembershipRule method does not have a very good exception handling, so need to implement it in the script instead.

Needless to say, these are snippets from a much bigger script I use for managing collections which has additional logging, a bit more exception handling, more parameters to be able to use it against multiple SCCM sites...etc. to make it a complete tool. However, the published code snippets can be used as individual scripts.

A script to add/remove computers to/from SCCM collections could look like this:

 param (   
    [string] $hosts = "",  
    [switch] $addcomputer = $false,  
    [switch] $removecomputer = $false,  
    [string] $sccmsrv = "r2d2SCCM",  
    [string] $site = "SW1",  
    [string] $collName = "",  
    [string] $collID = "",  
    [string] $log = "")  
 #### Function for adding a computer to an SCCM collection  
 function addComputerToCollection ([string]$collectionID, [string]$SccmServer, $fsccmSQLServer, [string]$site, [string]$srv){  
    $found = $false  
    # checking if the direct membership for the computer exist or not  
    foreach($member in $global:mc.CollectionRules){  
       if($member.RuleName -ieq $srv){  
          $found = $true  
       $retVal = "host has already got direct membership"  
       # getting resource ID of the computer  
       $queryResult = execSQLQuery $fsccmSQLServer "SMS_$site" "select ResourceID from v_R_System where name0 = '$srv'"  
       $computerResID = $queryResult.ResourceID  
       # creating DirectRule  
          $objColRuledirect = [WmiClass]"\\$SccmServer\ROOT\SMS\site_$($site):SMS_CollectionRuleDirect"  
          $objColRuleDirect.psbase.properties["ResourceClassName"].value = "SMS_R_System"  
          $objColRuleDirect.psbase.properties["ResourceID"].value = $computerResID  
          #target collection  
          $InParams = $global:mc.psbase.GetMethodParameters('AddMembershipRule')  
          $InParams.collectionRule = $objColRuleDirect  
          $R = $global:mc.PSBase.InvokeMethod('AddMembershipRule', $inParams, $Null)  
          if($r.ReturnValue -eq 0){$retVal = "OK" }  
          else   {$retVal = "Err"}  
       $retVal = "Computer is not in SCCM DB"  
    return $retVal  
 #### Function for a computer from an SCCM collection  
 function removeComputerFromCollection ([string]$collectionID, [string]$srv){  
    $found = $false  
    foreach($member in $global:mc.CollectionRules){  
       if($member.RuleName -ieq $srv){  
          $res = $global:mc.deletemembershiprule($member)  
          $found = $true  
    if($res.ReturnValue -eq 0){$retVal = "OK" }  
    else   {$retVal = "Err"}  
    if(!$found){$retVal = "No direct membership of $srv in collection $collectionID"}  
    return $retVal  
 #### Function for enumerating ID of an SCCM collection  
 function lookupCollID ([string]$fsccmSQLServer, [string]$site, [string] $collectionName){  
    $queryResult = execSQLQuery $fsccmSQLServer "SMS_$site" "select CollectionID from v_Collection where name like '$collectionName'"  
    $fcount = ($queryResult | Group-Object -Property CollectionID).count  
    if($fcount -eq 1){  
       $fcollectionID = $queryResult.CollectionID  
          return $fcollectionID  
    elseif($fcount -gt 1){  
 #### Function for executing a SQL query with integrated authentication    
 function execSQLQuery ([string]$fSQLServer, [string]$db, [string]$query){    
    $objConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection    
    $objConnection.ConnectionString = "Server = $fSQLServer; Database = $db; trusted_connection=true;"    
    $SqlCmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand $query, $objConnection    
    trap {Write-Host -ForegroundColor 'red' "($sqlsrv/$db not accessible)";continue}    
    if ($SqlCmd.Connection.State -ine 'Open') {    
    $dr = $SqlCmd.ExecuteReader()    
    #get the data    
    $dt = new-object "System.Data.DataTable"    
    return $dt    
 ##################################################### Body #####################################################  
 # if site is not specified, let's get it from the SCCM server itself  
    $site = (gwmi -ComputerName $sccmsrv -Namespace root\sms -Class SMS_ProviderLocation).sitecode  
 #### Collate the host list.  
 $hostlist = @($Input)  
 if ($hosts) {  
    if($hosts -imatch " "){  
       $hostsArr = @($hosts.split(" "))  
       $hostlist += $hostsArr  
       $hostlist += $hosts  
 # if -collName, we need to enumerate the collection ID  
 if(!$collID -and $collName){  
    $collID = lookupCollID $sccmsrv $site $collName  
 if($($hostlist.length) -gt 0){  
    $global:mc = ""  
    #Binding collection $collID  
    $global:mc = [wmi]"\\$sccmsrv\root\sms\site_$($site):SMS_Collection.CollectionID='$collID'"  
       $hostlistlength = $hostlist.length  
       $k = 1  
       $objColl = @()  
       foreach ($srv in $hostlist) {  
          $result = $result2 = ""  
          if($srv -ne ""){       # if the hostname is not empty  
             Write-Progress -activity "Performing checks" -Status "Processing host $k of $hostlistlength : $srv " -PercentComplete ($k/$hostlistlength * 100) -currentoperation "checking Client state..."  
             # if -addcomputer, then we need to add computers to collections (direct membership)  
                $sObject = new-Object -typename System.Object  
                $sObject | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Hostname -Value $srv  
                # adding host to collection $collName $collID  
                $result = addComputerToCollection $collID $sccmsrv $sccmsrv $site $srv  
                $sObject | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Result -Value $result  
                $objColl += $sObject  
             # if -removecomputer, then we need to remove computers from collections (direct membership)  
                $sObject = new-Object -typename System.Object  
                $sObject | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Hostname -Value $srv  
                # removing host from collection $collName $collID  
                $result = removeComputerFromCollection $collID $srv  
                $sObject | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Result -Value $result  
                $objColl += $sObject  
    "Could not bind collection"  
    "No hostname or hostlist is specified."  
